Friday, August 11, 2006

Irregularities II

An article in Mexico's "La Jornada" talks about the second day recounts in the partial review ordered by the federal court in charge of elections.

Opened vote bundles or paquetes, the disappearance of ballots, and "pregnant" vote tallies for the right-wing guy, Felipe Calderon, were all reported.

In Aguascalientes, the federal delegate overseeing the recount said there was evidence of fraud because there were not enough votes to match the number of ballots distributed.

Apparently, political parties pay people for these votes so they can do whatever it is you do from there to subvert an election.

The recounts discussed in the article are exclusively in the states where Calderon won, not those which went for the left-wing guy, Lopez Obrador.

In Jalisco, Lopez Obrador picked up 813 votes, in Baja California and Nuevo Leon, he pickd up 400 and 180 respectively. In Sonora his Revolutionary Democratic Party recuperated 300.

Eight hundred here, 300 there, and pretty soon you're talking about real votes.

The aformentioned paquetes are bundled votes with the tally labeled on the exterior. Lopez Obrador says they should be opened and counted to be sure the label matches the actual votes inside. That packets are being found unsealed and that Calderon is getting more votes than possible in selected district's controlled by his party do a lot to bolster Lopez Obrador's case.

They have a Mexican election blog, periodically, on the Web page of the "Washington Post."

The posted comments demonstrate bad feelings amid cultural groupings a little difficult for the unindoctrinated to discern. This one is a chilanga from Mexico City and the other one's a chicalanga because of a diffent admixture of geographical and geneological characteristics, and so on.

Intra-cultural insults fly fast and furious, the Calderon people sounding updated, net savvy, and involved with careers; Lopez Obrador's followers like something out of a clandestine, 19th century meeting on the universal rights of man.

The diatribes come with a Latin twist, often striking the battle with a mild insult: "Babosa, don't you know that little Stalinist Obrador will take Mexico back to the nineteenth century?!"

the highway scribe left a link to his prior post on Mexico, an interview by Elena Poniatowska of Mexico City's mayor, and caught a sling (if not an arrow) from the self-dubbed scribe, "emptyboxes".


Anyway, there is plenty of venom being directed at Lopez Obrador and the general sentiment projected outward, even by progressives, is that he's really pushing it.

Which is to say highwayscribery finds itself right where it belongs.

Some people on the "Washington Post" blog have nothing but insults for "La Jornada" and we've got no problem telling you that. The position of the editorial board here at highwayscribery is that the "sore loser" "messianic left-wing dictator" point of view is well aired in the media and that it might be a good idea to go to the horse's mouth in search of Lopez Obrador's and his followers' perspective.

Not that many of you are interested in this stuff, but, hey, it's the highway scribe's blog.

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