Sunday, January 22, 2006

The Smokers Get Some Espresso

Just a brief missive informing those in the San Diego area that the December/January edition of "The Espresso," circulated throughout the city's 368 coffee houses, published an excerpt from "The Sidewalk Smokers Club."

Specifically, it is Chapter 22 (July 9 post), wherein Carlos shows Jordan his AK-47 gun. Publisher John Rippo declared "the subtle tones" between the college-educated and under-employed Jordan, and the coffee-house maestro Carlos (of Zacatecas, Mexico), as "dead on."

"The Espresso" is a great publication, printed in a turn-of-the-century muckracking visual style with unabashed, progressive political content to go with it. We're proud of the association.

"The Sidewalk Smokers Club," runs serially here at highwayscribery. The first chapter was posted April 9. Click "April" beneath the "buy my book" button (to the left) and scroll down to April 9. Typically, ensuing chapters have run each weekend, with a few variations.

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